Arca Credit Summit 2024 Agenda

Wednesday 13 November

Please note that the 2024 program is evolving and the below offers you insight into the agenda structure and speakers.

There may be some changes to timings, topics and presenters.

13:00 Work Shop 1 - AFCA

Natalie Cameron - Lead Ombudsman Banking & Finance, AFCA

Michelle Kumarich - Executive General Manager Jurisdiction, AFCA

Due to popular demand, AFCA decision makers Natalie Cameron and Michelle Kumarich will be returning to run a hands-on practical workshop providing insights into how AFCA makes its decisions.

12:00 Registration Opens & Arca Welcome Luncheon

Please collect your registration pack at the Foyer.
Join Arca’s Membership Manager Cassie Nicole for a light luncheon and meet fellow delegates.

13:00 Work Shop 1- Kate Christie

In this interactive workshop Kate examines what it means to be a leader for the workforce of tomorrow, with some practical strategies to take back to your teams.

14:45 Afternoon tea with the Sponsors

Join us for afternoon tea and networking with our sponsors in the Foyer.

Thank you to our coffee sponsors CreditorWatch & illion

15:15 Work Shop 2 - AFCA

Natalie Cameron - Lead Ombudsman Banking & Finance, AFCA

Michelle Kumarich - Executive General Manager Jurisdiction, AFCA

Due to popular demand, AFCA decision makers Natalie Cameron and Michelle Kumarich will be returning to run a hands-on practical workshop providing insights into how AFCA makes its decisions.

15:15 Work Shop 2- Kate Christie

In this interactive workshop Kate examines what it means to be a leader for the workforce of tomorrow, with some practical strategies to take back to your teams.

Social Function


Social Function 〰️

17:00 Welcome Cocktail Function

Thank you for Equifax for sponsoring this social function.

Join us at the RACV Royal Pines Poolside for a welcome cocktail function. W

Thursday 14 November

08:00 Registration Opens

Please collect your registration pack at the Foyer.
Get ready for the day with a barista made coffee with thanks to our coffee sponsors.

08:45 Keynote Breakfast

Join us as we hear from the Arca Credit Summit Keynote opening speaker and enjoy a plated breakfast in the ballroom.

08:30 Arca CEO Welcome
Welcome to Country

Arca CEO Elsa Markula welcomes you to the 2024 Arca Credit Summit

09:45 Shaping Australia's Credit Risk Future: Global Insights on CDR

Presented by Brian Bond, Senior Vice President, North America Business Information Division, Experian

10:45 The Australian Economic outlook: Insights from Diana's ''Econosights''

Economic update provided by Diana Mousina, Deputy Chief Economist AMP

10:15 Morning Tea

Join us for morning tea and networking with our sponsors in the Foyer.

11:15 Reimagining Credit: From Data to Decisions with Responsible AI

Presented by Harald Schneider, Chief Data & Analytics Officer, Equifax

12:45 Perfecting our practices & preparedness: Navigating Hardship and Ensuring Fairness

Panel discussion with Fiona Gutherie, CEO Way Forward, Evelyn Halls OAM, Customer Fairness Advisor, ANZ & Robert Allen, Senior Manager – Credit, Banking and General Insurance Regulation and Supervision ASIC

12:00 Lunch

Join us for a delicious lunch in the foyer.

13:30 Striking the balance: Aligning preparedness with operational challenges and organisational risks

Panel discussion facilitated by Michael Blyth

14:00 Afternoon Tea

Join our sponsors for an afternoon refresh, with barista made coffee and cakes.

The following sessions will run concurrently across three rooms. Please note that these sessions will not be available for online delegates.

14:30 - 15:15 Stream sessions

  • Meurig Chapman, Happy Prime (NZ)

    Not everyone's tomorrow looks the same - Use of Data & Tech in collections.

  • Cyber crisis to business growth: Managing impacts with a business-first approach

15:15 -16:00 Stream sessions

Meet the Speaker


Meet the Speaker 〰️

16:00 - 16:30 Meet the Speaker

We invite you to join the Speakers in a casual setting in the Arca lounge.

Social Function


Social Function 〰️

17:30 Arca Awards Celebratory Dinner

Join us at the RACV Royal Pines as we celebrate the Arca community at the 2024 Arca Awards.

Friday 15 November

The following sessions will run concurrently across three rooms. Please note that these sessions will not be available to online delegates.

09:00 - 09:30 Stream sessions

09:30-10:00 Morning Tea

Join us for morning tea and networking with our sponsors in the Foyer.

11:15 Empowering Australian SMEs: Data driven insights for better business outcomes presented by CreditorWatch

James O’Donnell, Open Analytics &

Andrew Ward, Banjo Loans

1.0:45 Fireside chat

Speakers to be confirmed.

10:00 Disruption by Design

Catherine Fitzpatrick, Founder Flequity Ventures

12:00 Data And Our Use Of It - A Regulator Update

OAIC Privacy Commissioner Carly Kind

12:30 Lunch

Join us for a delicious lunch with our sponsors.

13:00 Building better credit reporting: Lessons from the UK's Credit Governance reforms

Jackie Keogh, Independent Chair of the Interim Working Group (IWG)

13:45 Weathering the storm: Climate risk & challenges in insurance and finance

Sharanjit Paddam, Principal - Climate Analytics Finity

14:15 Shaping Tomorrow Together - Tales of Collaboration

Nicole Livingstone, OAM
Olympian and CEO of Victorian Institute of Sport

14:45 Arca Credit Summit Close

Arca CEO Elsa Markula will be announcing Sponsor & Delegate prize winners, along with the 2025 Credit Summit location!

15:00 Afternoon tea

Grab a snack to go before buses depart for the Gold Coast Airport at 15.30