2024 Arca Awards

Due to popular demand the Arca Awards will be returning in 2024!

Nominations will open in September.

2023 Arca Award Winners.

We had some wonderful nominations for the inaugural Arca Awards, reflecting the depth and quality of people who comprise our Membership. It is also encouraging to see many people receive multiple nominations, demonstrating that the value these people provide to the Arca Membership is well-recognised (and this is reflected in the finalists below, with two finalists featuring in multiple categories).  

The Arca Awards Committee selected three finalists in each of the categories of Respect, Knowledge and Collaboration.

Congratulations to Rebecca Barbour, Emlyn Simpson and Yasna Hodgson.

Award Categories

The awards are open to nominations from any Arca Member, with three categories reflecting Arca values being Collaboration, Respect and Knowledge.

Collaboration Award - Celebrating outstanding teamwork

This award acknowledges an individual who has made the most significant contribution to teamwork in the past year, championing progress of one of ARCA’s key deliverables within the workgroups or for their own business. This person is someone who actively encourages working together, helping the workgroup achieve its goals.

Respect Award - Honour a leader.

This award is given to an individual who lead by example when it comes to respect. They show respect in how they act, what they say, and in their relationships with others. They value diverse perspectives and backgrounds in Member workgroup discussions and they work towards common goals with respect for all.

Knowledge Award - Championing learning and growth

This award recognises an individual or Member organisations dedicated to learning and sharing knowledge. They not only benefit their own organisation but also contribute to drive value for all Members. They are open to sharing what they know to help everyone grow.